Workers in many industries are exposed to loud noises that have the potential to cause lasting hearing damage. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) recognizes this risk and has implemented certain regulations that are designed to help protect a worker's hearing.
Audiometric testing and monitoring play a major role in maintaining hearing safety. If you are hoping to begin a career in hearing protection, it can be beneficial to complete a training course that will prepare you to pass the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) exam.
1. Learn About Noise
A lot of people don't give noise much thought during the course of the day. During a CAOHC training course, you will learn to think critically about the noises that surround you. You will receive instruction concerning the relationship between noise and hearing loss. You will also be able to identify how exposure to loud noises over time can degrade your hearing capabilities.
This knowledge will be invaluable as you begin your career in hearing protection. You will be able to utilize your knowledge of noise to educate workers and evaluate potential dangers on a job site.
2. Learn to Protect Hearing
The most important job anyone working in hearing protection has is to prevent any lasting and permanent damage to the hearing of the workers in their care. A CAOHC training course is uniquely suited to help you accomplish this task.
As a hearing protection specialist, you may be tasked with creating a hearing protection plan that will govern the activities of a job site. Your training course will help you learn about the components that should be included in this type of plan. You will gain valuable experience with noise exposure monitoring, audiometric testing methods, engineering and administrative controls, and hearing protection devices during your training course.
This information will help you generate a hearing protection plan that complies with OSHA standards.
3. Learn to Fit Protective Devices
Eliminating hazardous noises is always preferential, but this isn't possible on all job sites. You will need to be able to fit workers with hearing protection devices once you are working as a hearing protection specialist.
A CAOHC training course will provide you with instruction on all types of hearing protective devices available on the market. You will learn about the capabilities and limitations of each device so that you are prepared to select one that offers maximum protection to the workers in your care. Your training course will also give you experience in fitting protective devices properly.
For more information about CAOHC certification courses, contact a local company, such as Workplace Sound Solutions LLC.
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